Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Sushi Solution

One thing that anyone with wheat or dairy allergies can eat is Sushi. In general there is neither item to worry about, especially if YOU are the one making it.
Yes you can!
Last night I was invited to a friend's home to learn how to make sushi. She's a Japanese National and has been in the states for a very long time. We had such a wonderful time and I learned some of the tricks.
Here are some tips:
Use Sushi or California Rice (stickier)
Use Sushi Vinegar when making the rice
have a little dish with a little water and vinegar to keep rinsing your fingers as you go
Spread the rice out thinly on the sheet of seaweed
Always find safe, fresh fish (best to learn by going to a Japanese store)
Don't overload the roll when layering items
Cut the rolls just before you are ready to present the food

Ingredients that we used were:
Cucumbers very thinly sliced
imitation crab (be careful to check the ingredients for wheat)
eggs fried and sliced in thin strips (when beating them before cooking, add a little sugar)
thinly sliced fresh tuna
thinly sliced avocado
cooked mushrooms sliced

Anyway, I will take pictures once I do this on my own. It was so fun and I'm very grateful for such kind friends. My family will be thrilled!

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